Showcase of few Archival projects
2023-2024: "Tanscipt", directed by Ayalet Heller, Trabelsi productions; "Death in Umm Al-Hiran", directed by Doron Djerassi, produced by B-Films; "Sabbath Queen" directed and produced by Sandi DuBowski; "Ada Karmi: produced by Medallia productions; "The Governor" produced by Gum Films
2020-2023: "1948: Remember. Remember Not", directed by Neta Shoshani, produced by Silvio
2018-2020: "War without name", Documemtary series on 1st Lebanon war directed by Israel Rozner, produced by Beyond creative;
2017-2018: "The Murder of Arlosoroff", Documentary directed and produced by Avi Weissblei; "Astir Panai" Documentary about The Rabbi from Kloizenburg-Zanz, Directed by Eyal Datz, produced by Yoav Leshem – Beyond Creative.
2017: Arik Einstein Docu serie in 6 chapters for yes Docu, directed by Avida Livni, Norma production; Zohar Argov Docu serie in 3 chapters, HOT 8, directed and produced by Elil Tikshoret.
2015-2017: Archival Researcher of 7 episodes out of 15 for IBA channel 1 Docu serie about the History of the Land of Israel from the pre-historic age till 1898.
2016: Chief visual researcher, "Neelamot", a mocumentary series directed and produced by Yair Qedar and Ilan Peled. The episode" Lillian. Poetess" was awarded Best Documentary Film for 2016.
2015: Archive research for a film about Martin Buber, produced by Compagnie des Phares & Balises, Frabce.
2014-2015: Archive research for "Disturbing the Peace", directed by Stephen Apkon and Andrew Young, and produced by Chakana Films, USA.
2013-2015: Visual research for "Mr. Gaga", a film about Ohad Naharin, directed by Tomer Heymann, produced by The Heymann Brothers.
2013: Archive research for "1973, War Diary", a two-part series directed by Vincent de Cointet, produced by Alma Films/Arik Bernstein for ZDF/Arte and The Second Authority for Television and Radio.
2012: Archive research for "Bullet Points", a series about wars worldwide, produced for The Discovery Channel by North-South Productions.
2012-2015: Historic archive research for "The Zionist Idea: Colliding Dreams", a film about the history of Zionism directed by Oren Rudavsky, produced by Riverside Productions/Joseph Dorman.
2011: Chief Visual Researcher for "Israel: Home Movie", a three-part series and a film, produced by Alma Films/Arik Bernstein.
2009-2011: Visual research for "Israeli Fashion", a five-part series produced by Naftali Gliksberg/Glikscom and Herzliya Studios.
2006-2009: Visual research for "Travels of the Duck", directed by Gabriel Bibliowicz, produced by Matar Doc/Anat Zeltser and Modi Bar-On for yes Docu.
2008-2009: Stills research for "Tel Aviv Yafo", a three-part series by Anat Zeltser and Modi Bar-On/Modi and Anat Ltd for Channel 8 and Channel 10.
Lily's Archival Work

אייכמן - ההקלטות האבודות The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tape

מעברות | תוהו ובוהו - פרק 1 - פרק הבכורה